
Turn 1 piece of content into 20.

Learn how to repurpose your podcast, and turn each episode into 20+ valuable pieces of content you can share with your audience on other platforms.


Here’s a tip for any company looking to produce more (or better) content…

Start with 1 major medium to communicate through. You can choose written word, audio, or video.

Choose whatever works for your company. If your team can write, start a blog. If you have a well-spoken team member, start a podcast. If you have the resources and creativity, start a YouTube channel.

But just pick one.

Focus on creating the most valuable content you can for your ideal audience. What does “valuable” mean?

Content that’s generous, helpful, entertaining, or all of the above. It’s content that your audience wants to pay attention to, because it helps them grow, or become better people.

What you say is more important than how it sounds or how often you say it. If your content isn’t good, you’ll never build an audience, no matter how much money you throw at it. We wrote this short but practical guide to help you determine what kind of content you should create.

Once you’re consistently producing great content, you can start turning it into more content. You do this by taking each article/episode/video, drawing 5, 10, or 20+ insights from it, then sharing that content across other mediums or platforms.

For example, let’s say you run a podcast.

You’d go through and pull out “standout” moments from each episode. It could be 10 things that were really helpful, actionable tips for your audience. Or it could be 5 insights that are so powerful, each deserves its own article.

Then turn those 10 standout moments into more content.

Here are some ideas:

  • 1 podcast episode turns into 15 social posts, 2 articles, and 1 video.
  • 1 video gets turned into 1 podcast episode, 1 accompanying article, and 20 social posts.
  • 1 article gets an accompanying podcast episode where you dive deeper on that subject, along with 10 social posts.

The point is to have 1 channel that gets the bulk of your focus. This is the one you try and do most excellently.

But since you have customers that would rather consume content in other forms, you take what you’re already doing, and adapt it for those forms. So if 20% of your audience doesn’t have time to tune into your podcast, but loves scanning LinkedIn, they can get the takeaways and value from each episode through your LinkedIn posts.

This is especially helpful for companies with small marketing teams, or startups that want to create a content marketing campaign, but feel overwhelmed by the pressure to create unique content on all platforms.

Just start with 1 thing you can do really well, pull more unique content from that thing, and adapt it for the other channels your audience is paying attention to.

Talk to future customers, on podcasts they love.